In addition to my earlier post on awesome books people should buy, trade or at least read, I was thinking about stuff I'd like to write on. Reviewing Square Root was a great experience (I'd love to write more on the vehicle for the text as part of the text - because it is), and I'd love the opportunity to write more on vispo, as well as sound work, fringe/fluxus publications and basically anything that doesn't get the attention/respect it deserves (I'm thinking respect might be the wrong word there).
As with the Beaulieu, so with the Russell essay collection (review coming)- I want more theory books. I want to review stuff that will cha(lle)nge my thinking while i am thinking about it - dialogic criticism.
And, as many while by now know, I'm a pop-culture fiend. There may be posts coming on stupid big-budget horror films, sci-fi, hip hop and the like.
I want dialogue as well. Chip in. And if you know anyone who is publishing any of the stuff I've mentioned, email me, or get them to.
Unrelated note - who was it out there who wanted my Carver books? 'cause they're yours if you want them.
16 minutes ago
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